Executive Committee

Monica S. Kuebler – Chair

Monica S. Kuebler has spent the last twenty years wearing a variety of editorial hats at Rue Morgue magazine, for whom she penned Rue Morgue Library #3: Weird Stats and Morbid Facts. She also writes poetry and monster stories; her young adult vampire serial ‒ which began with Bleeder (Blood Magic, Book 1) ‒ can be read at Wattpad.com. She completed her first novel for adult readers during the pandemic lockdown.

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Melody E. McIntyre – Secretary

Melody lives in Ontario, Canada and writes short, speculative fiction that has been published by several small presses including Air and Nothingness Press, Black Ink Fiction, Brigids Gate, and Hiraeth Publishing. She is also an avid reviewer who writes reviews and articles for The Horror Tree, as well as on her blog. Melody is a member of Sisters in Crime and is the secretary for the Ontario chapter of the Horror Writers Association. She earned her Master of Arts studying Ancient Greek and Roman Studies and often infuses her work with elements of Greek mythology. Her day job is being a legal assistant and in her spare time, she loves reading, embroidery, and martial arts.

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David J. Thirteen

David J. Thirteen – Events Coordinator (GTA)

David J. Thirteen (he/him) is a writer of horror and other dark fiction living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. While posting serialized novels on Wattpad, he received over a million reads. His novella, The Garrison Project, is available at most online stores, and you can find his short stories in Lamplight Magazine, several anthologies, and on The Other Stories podcast. David is proud to be involved with many writing communities including the Wattpad Stars, Crone Girls, Hawk & Cleaver, and the Horror Writers Association. He currently is the Event Coordinator for the HWA’s Ontario chapter.

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Alejandro J. Soifer – Library Coordinator

Alejandro J. Soifer is a writer, journalist, teacher, and scholar from Argentina who emigrated to Canada in 2017. He has earned a Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies at the University of Toronto, specializing in contemporary Mexican horror fiction. He is currently researching other expressions of Latin American horror narratives. His dissertation has been the subject of a CBC episode of “Ideas from the Trenches”: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/mexican-gothic-novels-1.6865767
Alejandro has published three novels in the mystery/thriller genre, two non-fiction books, several short stories, a book of essays, and hundreds of journalism pieces.

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Graham J. Darling

Graham J. Darling of metro Ottawa Canada designs molecules such as the universe has never seen and demonstrates medieval science and technology to school kids and passers-by. His singular hybrids of diamond-hard science fiction, mythopoeic fantasy and unearthly horror have escaped through Sword & Mythos (eds. Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Paula R. Stiles), Dark Matter Magazine and The Solar Press Horror Anthology (eds. Finnigan & Nicky Houston)–residents are advised to lock their doors and windows, then tune in for survival tips to https://fiction.grahamjdarling.com/ , https://twitter.com/GrahamJDarling and https://www.facebook.com/GrahamJDarling.

Sèphera Girón

Sèphera Girón is the author of over twenty books and dozens of stories. You can also find her in movies such as Slime City Massacre and Killer Rack. When she isn’t writing or acting, she reads tarot cards. Sèphera lives in Toronto and has two sons.

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Nancy Kilpatrick

Nancy Kilpatrick is an award-winning writer and editor. She has published 23 novels, 2 novellas, 1 non-fiction book, over 250 short stories and 9 collections of her short fiction, plus comic books, a graphic novel, and she has edited 15 anthologies. She has also co-written one stage play and has penned many non-fiction articles and reviews. Her work has been translated into 9 languages. Thrones of Blood, her most recent series, has been optioned for film and television. Check out Nancy’s website, and join her mailing list via: nancykilpatrick.com.

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Blaise Langlois

Emerging author, Blaise Langlois, will never turn down the chance to tell a creepy story. You are sure to find her writing in between teaching and raising four beautiful children, or feverishly scratching out ideas (which, to the chagrin of her supportive husband, usually occurs just after midnight). She has a penchant for horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. Her publications include short fiction and poetry through Eerie River Publishing, Pulp Factory E-zine, Black Hare Press, Space and Time Magazine, Black Spot Books and Ghost Orchid Press. You can learn more about her writing journey by visiting her blog at: www.ravenfictionca.wordpress.com

Tim McGregor

Tim McGregor is the author of Lure, Hearts Strange and Dreadful, and the Spookshow series. Taboo in Four Colors and Wasps in the Ice Cream are coming soon. Tim lives in Toronto with his wife and two kids. 

Jessica Peter

Jessica Peter writes dark, uncanny, and sometimes absurd short stories, novels, and poems. She’s a social worker and health researcher who lives in Hamilton, Ontario with her partner and their two black cats. You can find her writing (now or upcoming) in venues such as LampLight Magazine, The NoSleep Podcast, and The Antihumanist, among other places. You can find her online at:

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Mary Rajotte

Mary Rajotte has a penchant for penning nightmarish tales that haunt and terrify. Her work has been published in Shroud Magazine, and in anthologies from the Library of Horror Press, Shroud Publishing and the Great Lakes Horror Company.  Sometimes camera-elusive but always coffee-fueled, you can find Mary at the following online haunts:

Website |  Twitter | Facebook | Amazon | Patreon | Goodreads | Instagram | Wattpad

Lou Rera

Lou Rera

Lou Rera’s first novel, Sign, was published by Netherworld Books in June 2014. He is an Active member of the Horror Writers Association (HWA) and an Ontario, Canada Chapter member. He is a member of the Just Buffalo Literary Center, and Short Fiction Writers Guild.

Lou’s short stories have appeared in Group Hex Vol. 1 (2016) and Group Hex Vol. 2 (2017) by the Great Lakes Horror Company. His short story “Reunion” was published by Solstice Publishing (2016). “The Bench and “Clown on a Segway,” published in Queen City Flash (2013). His collection of flash fiction, There are no doors on a cocoon, was published in 2008 by CreateSpace. He has won various Flash Fiction Awards in ArtVoice Magazine, and the Just Buffalo Literary Center. He has edited academic textbooks and writes reviews for novel at Horror Book Reviews.

Lou Rera is Associate Professor in Communication at SUNY Buffalo State.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads

Douglas Smith

Douglas Smith is an award-winning Canadian author described by Library Journal as “one of Canada’s most original writers of speculative fiction.” His fiction has been published in twenty-six languages and thirty-two countries. His work includes the urban fantasy novel The Wolf at the End of the World and the collections Chimerascope, Impossibilia, and La Danse des Esprits. His non-fiction guide for writers, Playing the Short Game: How to Market & Sell Short Fiction, is a must read for any short story writer.

Doug is a three-time winner of Canada’s Aurora Award, and has been a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award, CBC’s Bookies Award, Canada’s juried Sunburst Award, and France’s juried Prix Masterton and Prix Bob Morane. A short film based on Doug’s story “By Her Hand, She Draws You Down” won several awards at film festivals around the world.

His website is www.smithwriter.com and he tweets at twitter.com/smithwritr


W.H.Vigo is a Jamaican-Canadian horror and speculative fiction writer based in Switzerland. Their debut novelette Beneath the Rio Cobre was published by Great Lakes Horror Company in 2023. In 2024, Horror Tree published Vigo’s microfiction as part of its Trembling With Fear series. Several of Vigo’s short stories are featured in dark fantasy anthologies in Canada and the United Kingdom.

Vigo completed the Horror Writers Association (HWA) Mentorship program for new writers in 2021. From 2022 to present, they have participated on multiple panels at Canada’s largest horror event, ‘Frightmare in the Falls’, and for HWA Ontario. Vigo’s writing is inspired by unconventional or lesser-known supernatural folklore and mythology from around the world; with an emphasis on the Caribbean and West Africa.

Follow them on Instagram: @whvigo.

Vigo is currently completing a novel-length dark fantasy manuscript.